7 Projects, Plans and Resolutions for 2018

In my previous blog post I made a review of some of my favourite moments of 2017. Now enough looking backwards. We are well into 2018 already, and I have a bunch of plans and resolutions for the upcoming months. I want to share some of them with you. So keep on reading to find out a few things I'm working on. 

  1. BLOGGING: I like blogging as I really love the photos + text form of storytelling, and it’s something I wish to do more of. Last year I didn’t manage to keep my blog active but I did contribute with content on other blogs. So this is one of my resolutions for 2018: keep writing, taking photos and telling stories. Yes, this is my personal blog, but it won’t be just about me or my freelancing experience. I have a lot of other interesting stories to tell, about awesome people that I meet, about cool places I get to explore or situations I find myself in. All on the backdrop of this beautiful, amazing, innovative, creative, restless city of ours, Montreal, which has welcomed me so lovingly. So stay tuned.
  2. DRIVERS' LICENCE: yeah, this is one of the things I failed at in life so far. Or, not so much as failed, I just never really actively pursued it. And I’ve been doing ok so far given that I work in a job where you always need to transport a lot of gear. But it’s getting more and more complicated to UBER my studio and carry my photo stuff by STM. So ya, I need to get my s*** together and pass my practical exam, and get my license already! This year! No more procrastinating!
  3. REBRANDING/BRAND MAKEOVER: I won’t say much more about this ;) I’m working on a bunch of changes and new things and...Well, just stay tuned and you’ll see!
  4. NEW GEAR: I’m not really a gear junky, and, even though I have quite an extensive equipment collection, the more my business grows, the more I need to upgrade my kit and  invest in more performing gear. I have a few things that I'm planning on investing in, and I already made an important purchase a couple of days ago: a 15-30 f2.8 lens! It’s a great investment, and an amazing upgrade to my camera kit. Basically, in non-technical terms, it’s a very wide lens, designed to perform in low light situations. This lens will allow me to take amazing photos during events and will also greatly improve my interior design and real estate photography. Excited to put it to good use! 
  5. MAKEUP: Last year my main focus was on photography, and makeup was more my side-gig, but I love makeup a lot, and it’s something I want to be doing much more of this year. So developing this side of my business is a project I’m actively working on. So stay tuned ;)
  6. MORE PERSONAL PROJECTS! Personal projects is one of those things I always want to do and I never have the time. I do have Creative Mornings, which is a very dear personal project of mine, and my way of giving back to Montreal’s creative community. But I have countless notes in Evernote filled with creative ideas that I never have time to work on. So I’m writing this here as a way to push myself.  
  7. LESS PROCRASTINATING: All these being said, the number one thing that will make everything possible, will be better time management and (much) less procrastination. My WeWork membership made a huge difference in this sense, but at the end it’s all a matter of self discipline, and...wanting it bad enough.

So to keep things short, I guess this list is a sort of a personal manifesto, and writing it down helps me visualise the process and the outcome. And I’m always committed to growth and improvement, and I hope to make 2018 my best year yet!

What are some of your plans and resolutions for 2018? Tell me in the comment section below. Let's inspire and motivate each other to keep growing and improving!

Tora Photography - Jacques Cartier Bridge - Montreal.jpg